A Love letter

I wrote this on Valentine's day, but never posted

My dear Gurudev,

On this valentine's day, Dear Gurudev, be my valentine. Let the true love arise in my heart. No anger, no hatred, no duality arise in me. You are the God who gave the aphorism of love, please bless me to awake in the true love. I have waited for life times to be with you, still you are far away from me. Where are you? When will you come to me? On this valentine's day, please fulfill my desire for the eternal love.

I have enjoyed the love of parents, spouse, friends and even enemies, but nothing is permanent. All that love is based on their perceived joy that they received from me. It is only you, who loved me unconditionally. When will I awake in that eternal love?

When that love arises, I am sure the need for all other love subsides..


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