Business & Spirituality

It has been a constant question as how to manage life between business and spirituality. Many volumes have been written about it. Surely, this is adding to what is already said and nothing new. So why the heck to read this repetition?

If you care to read, here is my experience. As you walk the path more and more, the competing takes on a different dimension. The importance of winning wanes, however the intensity of competition may or may not decrease. One may ask then what is the point? But then it does not matter whether you compete or not. Right? The closer you see the reality, the less you care about the outcome. Now the question is whether the competing will continue or not. It may today and it may not tomorrow. But nothing really matters. A thought arise in you to make you do something. The thought is observed and the action may or may not happen. Whatever happens is happening and you are in the moment....


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