Wheel of Freedom
Where do you find the beginning and end point of a Circle? Spiritual path is like that. Where will you start and where will you end? Everything that you do on the path will bring you back again to the same point. In spite of how many times you travel around circle, you won't see the end point of a circle.
All the knowledge points - Surrender, being in the moment, renouncing desires and thoughts, devotion, accepting people and situations - All are literally one thing. At the core of the knowledge points, you can not split these into multiple things. When you see this, an awareness of the unchanging one will rise in you - It is already there - Your focus has just shifted. What will it do ? It won't do anything. It is what is...What happens when you know yourself as not changing ? You stop caring less and less about the changing forms...
All the knowledge points - Surrender, being in the moment, renouncing desires and thoughts, devotion, accepting people and situations - All are literally one thing. At the core of the knowledge points, you can not split these into multiple things. When you see this, an awareness of the unchanging one will rise in you - It is already there - Your focus has just shifted. What will it do ? It won't do anything. It is what is...What happens when you know yourself as not changing ? You stop caring less and less about the changing forms...