What is real and what is unreal

I was pondering over the thought as what is real...Can you say for sure what is real? Everything you see is nothing but the images or stories rising in your awareness. Real should be able to stand without the support of anything. But, the world as we see is nothing but an appearance in the awareness. I dont know whether anything really exists. And we take the images for real and run behind them. So funny. Everything, you see is images. Whether you are in materiasltic world or spiritual world.

I beg you to stop for moment - Think and contemplate about the real, about the truth, about things beyond the senses. Is there anything at all? All experiences are in the awareness. So whatever be the experience, it doesnot matter, whether spiritual or materialistic. What matters is whether you get stuck up with the stories. My dear friends, when will you see beyond the stories. I dont know what is beyond the images and stories. But, atleast I know that these are mere stories and images. They exist as a passing images in the awareness. Beyond that I dont know anything. Now I am realizing that I know absolutely nothing..

When you see clearly that things exists in the awareness, the course(AOL basic course) knowledge points happen automatically. Will you accept or reject images that merely appearing in the screen? You just look at them with curiosity and things will pass. Think that you are watching a movie. There are different stories and characters playing out in the screen. You know that it is a movie. Sometimes you laugh, sometimes you cry, sometimes you remain indifferent - but at notime you are going to get stuckup. You just flow with the story. Once the story ends, you just walk out. Dont you? So, life is like that. The problem is when you get stuck up...So please dont get stuck up....

Jai Gurudev


Faith Lasts said…
Ok, I shall see things as mere moving images...
But even if I am watching a movie
where does this sense of Utter Loneliness come up from and I get stuck in that, that constantly eats me up.
This fact of being alone, alone in the darkness, alone in light...
what is this....
Shyam said…
OK. Who is seeing the life as a movie? When the person sees the movie, then the person will become lonely. When the awareness is aware of the movie, no feeling arises.

Just ponder over this question - What you are really...and ask who is feeling lonely...don't stop asking..

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