I belong to you

All those who did the Art of Living Basic course knows what I have written as the heading of this post. You have been told to say "I belong to you" at the beginning of the course, when most of us hesitatingly said "I belong to you", either without any feeling or with a feeling of some amount of separation - Yes, that is true - For almost all of us, there was and is some amount of separation from every other being in this world. The urge to protect and save the "me" from every possible problem in the world.

So, after 6 days of Kriya and meditation, there appears a gap in our incessant thoughts and at those moments, we loose the identification with separation and when there is no feeling of separation, the belongingness appears. The point here is to understand or realize about the stories that continuously play out in the mind. Every action, even if it is knowledge or Seva, creates thoughts in OUR(A few lucky ones don't have this problem!!) mind. Thoughts are that create the separation. So to truly feel the belongingness, the thoughts has to come down. The more time you are in a thoughtless state, the more closer are you to the reality. The first step could be the awareness of thoughts arising in your mind, in a non-judgmental way. If you are able to keep your attention to the awareness, then the thought activity reduces and you will feel more acutely aware of yourself. At those moments of quietness, you are with yourself. I dont know what to say. All adjectives are from the memory of that quietness you have experience and can not convey the experience of queitness.

When you have experienced the queitness, then you have experienced the belonginess since at those moments, there is no one to say that " I am separate"



nice topic and post.
As my Ashtavakra teacher said to me " I belong to you" is the first thing you say and the last thing you truly experience on the path. For when there is true belongingness what more is there to attain /lose ?

Guruji does give us these glimpses of belongingness that we feel at the end of a Part I/Part II /DSN etc ...a glimpse of the infinite belongingness that is really possible .

Jai Guru Dev,

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