Why do we do Puja?

This question has been daunting me always. On one side there is the Path and Guru and on the other side, we come across different temples and gods. The questions keep on arising as why do we do Puja. Recently I got an answer to this. One can debate or disagree with me. But, at this time, this is the realization that I had. All the different Gods, masters and all of us are the manifestations of the divine himself. Unless our mind is completelty out of the duality, we have to live rules and rituals. (Agreed, everything is depending on the mind). Till that time when one realizes the ulitmate reality in complete oneness, one needs to respect all the different kinds of angels, subtle energies. And their support and help infact will help us to progress in both materialistic and spiritual planes. If we dont do what we are supposed to, then we have to face the consequences. Our Guru can help prevent that. But, knowing and appropriately worshipping the Gods and angels, one will be able to flow through the life without disturbances and realize the true oneness of who we are. There was an incident explained in the book "Sri Sri as I know him", where Guruji explains this and how he saved a devotee from experiencing the wrath of subtle energies..

Jai Gurudev


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